Awe Fm
Type Locality and Naming
References: Reyment, 1965; Adeleye, 1975; Kogbe, 1976; Dessauvagie, 1975; Petters, 1978; Offodile, 1980; Whiteman, 1982; Benkhelil, 1989; Okosun, 1992; Guiraud, 1993; Akande et al., 1998; Zaborski et al., 1998; Jauro et al., 2007; Obaje, 2009; Nwajide, 2013
[Fig 1. Stratigraphic successions in the Benue Trough and the Nigerian sector of the Chad Basin]
Fig. 2 Sedimentary Basins of Nigeria (Obaje, 2009)
Lithology and Thickness
Awe Fm consists of flaggy, whitish, medium to coarse-grained calcareous sandstones, carbonaceous shales and clays, and has been estimated by Offodile and Reynment (1977) to be about 1000m (1km) thick.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
Overlies the Gboko Limestone Fm
Upper contact
Lies unconformably below the Keana Fm. However, it is also reported that the Keana Fm has a gradational and unconformable contact onto the underlying Awe Fm (Zaborski, 1998; Offodile, 1976, 1984; Reynment and Offodile, 1977). East of Okigwi the Campanian Nkporo Shales Fm rest unconformably on the Asu River Gr at the south-western nose of the fold belt but on the flanks and at the eastern end of the structure the Eze-Aku Shale succeeds conformably Whiteman A. (1982).
Regional extent
Depositional setting
Additional Information
Geology and Mineral Resources of Nigeria by Nuhu George Obaje, Published by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009;
Geology of Nigeria Sedimentary Basins, Nwajide C. S., 2013; Published by CSS Bookshops Limited, Lagos Nigeria.